Chelyabinsk Trams Map

Official Chelyabinsk Trams Map

The new official map of Chelyabinsk tram routes:

Chelyabinsk trams transit map Download PDF

Each route is a separate line

Each of the 16 routes is displayed with a separate line. The colours are chosen so that they do not mix in all lighting conditions and can be distinguished by people with colour perception problems.

Colour routes lines

Giving up geography

As a result of not repeating geography, all stop signatures have been placed evenly, making the layout easier to use.


Parks, lakes and river

Chelyabinsk has several large and recognisable parks, a river and three lakes. By adding them to the map, we've connected the lines and geography of the city. Now a simple glance at the diagram is enough to understand which way the tram is going in the city.

Parks and rivers

Beautiful details

We paid a lot of attention to beauty. The end-stop markings are the most beautiful in the history of the schemes. Stops are marked with special trapezoidal stubs to avoid unnecessary vibration in the eyes.


Before and after

Before and after


Our transit map has become a notable event in Russian design community. Since then, many transit maps have appeared which have borrowed some of our findings. I can't hide it, it's a pleasure.



Art-director Ilya Birman

Designer Alexander Karavaev

Special thanks to Viktor Redka for his support and help with the project.

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